No matter what you do, things are always better when you hire a solid professional. In this transaction, matters were helped greatly by the fact that the buyers were represented by an extremely capable buyer agent.
This marital home was in an idyllic neighborhood and in good condition. The seller clients had separated, and one occupant remained who was extremely cooperative to work with. Given the backstory of the acrimony behind the divorce, my advice was taken and the transaction was prioritized over any personal differences between the selling clients.
That cooperation was the big takeaway from this closed listing. No divorce is happy. They are sad events, and the dashed plans and thwarted hopes of a failed marriage can easily contribute to difficulties in selling the home. In this case, the sellers partitioned their differences from the efforts to sell the property, and despite the wobbly market of the time, we had the property under contract just over a month after going on the market.
That wasn’t an accident. My pricing advice was taken. The home was tidied up and show ready. Every request for a showing appointment was approved and accommodated. They returned my calls and messages.
As with many divorce listings where one spouse has moved out, the presentation of the home didn’t exactly hide that something was out of the ordinary. But when asked I said that the move process was begun early because they found a new place. That’s true, and it protected them from being exposed as a divorce.
I remain in touch with the client as I often do, and I am glad they were able to get on with the next stages of life after this was closed.